Destination: Joshua Tree!

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Destination: Joshua Tree!

Tourist season is alive and well here in the Mojave Desert, Joshua Tree National Park and the Joshua Tree Gateway Communities. It’s great welcoming so many visitors and tourists to the area, but now more than ever, it’s important to ‘travel responsibly’ and take time to know more about your destination and its unique nuances.

The Mojave desert is one of California’s beautiful and fragile ecosystems and once again, we’ve adopted Visit California’s principles for ‘responsible travel’ to fit our unique desert destination. So, read on, help spread the word and educate visitors on ‘responsible travel’ here in the Joshua Tree Gateway Communities.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when traveling to Joshua Tree or any other California destination:

• What is the status of businesses and restaurants in my travel destination?
• What can I do to help support local shops and businesses?
• Am I modeling and encouraging my travel buddies to ‘travel responsibly’?
• What are the current weather conditions for my destination?

Respect CaliforniaBelieve it or not we have seasons here and no matter which season we’re in when you visit, the desert can be a harsh and unpredictable environment. It is important to plan for long days in the park by bringing along plenty of water, snacks and sunscreen. Two gallons of water is recommended for each person for day hikes.

With evenings getting darker and cooler earlier, it’s best to wear layers and always have extra coats and blankets in the car. Especially if you are camping! One never knows when the winds could shift or pick up!

Plan to be back to trailheads around 4pm to avoid dropping temperatures and getting caught on a hike after dark. When possible, avoid hiking alone and be sure to stay along designated pathways. There is no cell service inside the park.

Despite their sharp features and tough exterior, many plants in the desert are quite delicate, yet prickly. Never climb or hang anything from a Joshua tree and definitely refrain from touching our beloved Teddy Bear Cholla.

Help preserve our deserts!

Morongo Valley, Yucca Valley, Joshua Tree, Twentynine Palms, Landers and Pioneertown, the towns surrounding our national park, place value on preserving the desert environment. This includes keeping noise and light pollution to a minimum so fellow visitors, desert locals and animals continue enjoying the magic and tranquility our desert has to offer.

Our California Welcome Center in Yucca Valley is a wonderful resource for learning more about the communities, Joshua Tree National Park and local businesses. Our website is full of ideas, local events and destinations; a great way to plan ahead for your upcoming trip.

Already in the area? We certainly hop you will stop by and say hello! We have an incredible array of free maps and resources including a gift shop full of basic necessities to local art, children’s activities and souvenirs, including T-shirts, masks and hand sanitizer. 

We are open daily:

Monday-Thursday: 10 am to 2 pm
Friday-Saturday 9 am to 4 pm
Sunday 10 am to 4 pm
Closed Thanksgiving day, Christmas day, News Year’s Day and Easter.

Thank you in advance for respecting this unique desert landscape. Remember we are here as your guide.

Enjoy your stay and please ‘travel responsibly’.

~Rossana Jeran, JTGC Media

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